Happy Christmas to you all and thanks again for checking in on my adventures!
Going in reverse since I last posted, back in November Sean and I attended the Memorabilia Show at the NEC, this time for a change not as Xena and Jack Sparrow but as Dark Phoenix and Wolverine from the Xmen. Really nice change and it was less hectic which gave us more of a relaxed event which we could enjoy more. The one time I don’t dress as Xena and a Xena guest is signing! The lovely Manu Bennett was one of the headliners so thanks to Sean treating me I had a photo op with him. I asked to borrow one of Seans Wolverine claws for Manu to wear, I must say he would make an awesome Wolverine!

Had a great Stormtrooper job for a corporate event at Greenwich Planetarium which saw us being involved with a Mannequin Challenge which was a real laugh. Not sure if I will get a copy but will let you know if I do.
We then whisked off upto Hull for some more filming on Humber City, filming a fight scene in very challenging conditions and a test on ones patience but we managed to get it done! Only one more shoot to go and I shall be wrapped!

11th December saw the premiere of the long awaited film The Tales of Albion! 4 years in the making and the wait was worth it. Very pleased how my story came out and my performance and the other stories look great too. Photo on the top of this posting is a screengrab from one of the scenes set in Afganistan. If you love Myths and Legends and Celtic folklore then head over to their FB page under the Spirit if Albion name (from the first film) or the website at: http://www.talesofalbion.com where you can purchase a copy of the film. Here is an awesome photo from the premiere of myself with my two lovely on screen sisters Lisa and Kris

With the build up to Christmas I also took part in a few corporate events, a Western action show where I played the Madam of the Saloon which was loads of fun and a chance to shine in a new costume and role. Sean and I had the pleasure of working alongside Cineworld Cineworld escorting VIP competion winners for Rogue One film goers. Alongside Darth Vader we went to 2 different cinemas over 2 nights which was really fun!
My little Esty shop Xenajo Creations had a nice little flurry of orders come in, I have added some new lines to it but I also do private commissions so if you would like something made, let me know!

Well thats it for the mo, Happy Christmas!