Posting from Jo
Well I managed to get a moment to post again, thanks so much for checking up on me!
Crickey where to start, ok I was on another Alien Isolation promo, this time for the TV show Video Game Nation. I spent the day with the makers of the show filming several scenes with the presenters in an underground vault in London! It was a tough days filming but still enjoyable and the final show looked great thanks to my Alien Annabelle!
Memorabila came around soon enough and alongside the UKG Sean and I attended the weekend which as always was a lot of fun. As you can see from the posting below I had the chance to meet the lovely Cary Elwes from The Princess Bride, he was very lovely and complimentary. Also met the charming R J Mitte from Breaking Bad, so sweet and made time to chat to everyone which was great. Met lots of other people during the day and had a great time as ever at Mem, one of my favourite events.
Took part in an awesome Batman stunt show as Catwoman for the Army’s Christmas do, great gig really fun to do.
Been working several night shoots on the new film Now You See Me 2. It was brilliant to see such great actors on set but the cold long nights made it a hard job to endure and was pleased when I finished the run as its tough work. The film won’t be out for a while as they have just started filming but will keep you updated nearer its release.
Next it was off to Osborne House again, this time for the Victorian Christmas weekend helping children making Christmas cards and decorations. Again cold days but the setting and company was lovely and working with Sean is always nice and the public had a great time.
Just come back from the second out of two weekends at Wrest Park, helping with the audience with Father Christmas days. It was great fun and brilliant to see all the excited children as they listened to Father Christmas and asked him questions. Here is a photo of me after we had finished, standing what is believed to be the oldest Christmas Tree in the country, planted in 1856! Its over 100ft tall wow!
Inbetween the 2 weekends I was lucky to be on the second row from the front for the final arena tour of Jeff Waynes War of the Worlds live show in Brighton. It was absolutely brilliant and well acted/sung by all the cast. Have to say Jason Donnovan threw himself into the role of Parson Nathaniel and gave a cracking performance! Lets hope there will be more shows in the future.
Martian Fighting Machine in action!
My last couple of days before Christmas I am working with a team of people bringing a life sized Polar Bear to life at Father Christmas world. The Bear is amazing but very difficult to operate due to the painful position you have to be in inside it but it looks amazing!
Well thats it for now, thanks so much for your support and I will post again around New Year, I have a pirate swordfight show to do over Christmas and I will post some photos up from that.
Thanks again and have a wonderful Christmas xx

Message from Jo
So sorry for the lack of posts, will post up next report in the next few days Thanks for checking in!

Posting from Jo
So sorry for such a gap in posts its been pretty busy the last few weeks.
Been to the beautiful island of Jersey being a pirate at the Maritime museum which was great fun telling stories of pirates and swordfighting. The highlight of the whole trip was staying in an 18th Century fort for our stay, Fort Elizabeth was beautiful!
The filming I did for New Tricks and Chasing Shadows has aired and you saw me for a few moments which was cool, I have posted photos on my FB page.
The last month has seen me appear as a Crusader knight promoting a new computer game Crusader Stronghold. Three of us were travelling around central London on public transport meeting with DJ’s and other media types for photos and promo drops.
Then I was involved with another game launch for Alien Isolation, a midnight launch in Game store in Horsham with the designers of the game.
Then off to Celtic Manor Hotel for a corporate exhibition working on a stand for two days, first day as Dark Phoenix with Sean as Wolverine and the second day as Catwoman opposite his Batman!
The other day I was back in Colchester as Boudica for some filming for a media company, hopefully will have some footage from it some point soon to show you.
The other filming project Humber City I am involved with has launched its crowdfunding project to help get the series made. Please check out the project and support it with a donation as this project is too good to not happen. There are actors attached to the project from Torchwood, Dr Who and Star Trek. Please check it out and here is my teaser trailer for it. Humber City Trailer
Here is also the link to the Indiegogo page with more info and how to donate. Humber City Indie GoGo page
Well more things coming up and I promise I will post much sooner so thank you for checking in

Posting from Jo
Well another full month running all over the place but now the holidays are over things will calm down a little but hopefully not too much.
Since the last posting I joined Sean down in Cornwall for his joust at Pendennis Castle which was great thanks to good weather and good company. Spent an extra couple of days staying down with friends which was nice and a great little break.
Straight back and onto Bosworth Battle weekend with Destrier which was a good as I love catching up with old friends as well as taking part. I think Bosworth will always hold a special place in my heart as its such a great place and have been there so many times over the years. Really enjoy the battle as I get to take part in the charge with King Richard which is always an exhilerating ride!
A great photo taken by Christine Pearn
The straight onto Battle Abbey for a week of kids activities for English Heritage which was tiring but fun. Some good crowds for the stort telling which was really fun to do, full of laughs and jokes.
A day off thankfully and a chance to help Sean get ready to fly off to Canada for a joust and then myself off to the beautiful Leeds Castle in Kent. Five days of jousting, skill at Arms and Melee for Destrier, unfortunatley no riding for me this time just working as ground crew. Hard work but enjoyable all the same.
Destrier at Leeds Castle
News on the TV project Humber City will see some short promo’s going online on the Facebook page soon with one of them being for my episode. Keep checking their page for updates.
Well my next adventure see’s me off to Jersey in a couple of weeks for a pirate show which should be fun will let you know how it goes.
Thanks for checking up on me

Posting from Jo
Again apologies for the slowness of posts and briefness!
I have been working all over the place since I last posted, Hadrians Wall twice, Bodiam Castle with Destrier, Eltham Palace, Old Sarum Castle and off now to Cornwall! Will be going to Bosworth Battle this coming weekend 16/17th August and then off to Battle Abbey again. The rest of August is taken up with Destrier at Herstmonceux Castle and Leeds. Only in September things calm down a little.
I have been working on a big film for a few days and have had the best time ever, as ever I can’t say much on public sites but I will say it involves a few superheroes! Can’t wait to update you guys on this but will have to wait until next year when the film is released!
In the meantime I have just started on my Xena short film which is happening at last, very excited to see how it turns out but its looking good so far! Above is a photo taken on set, will keep you posted as to how its coming along
I will add some photos and a more indepth posting at the end of the month, just wanted something posting in the meantime.
Here is a lovely shot taken by ARW Photography of me at Bodiam Castle last weekend

Update of site
Hey, thanks for still popping by, I am currently getting fairly busy with work so this has made the site update a bit slow so apologies for that. As I’m sure you can understand the site needs a fair bit of work and I will try to get on top of it as soon as I can. Have some exciting things happening so please bear with me, but if you are on FB check my pages out in the meantime. Update soon
New Blog Site
Hey, please bare with me whilst the site has been moved to a different host, as you can see its very different and its going to take me sometime to get used to it all. Its pretty stressful as lots of posts and photos are either lost or now have broken links. I’m trying to wade through it all and sort it all out. Its like having the whole blog been thrown upside down and things have gone everywhere and thing have been lost! The move was necessary and unavoidable so I have to deal with this the best I can so please be patient.

Robin Of Sherwood 30th Anniversary Convention
Hey still hanging in here, thanks for waiting. The site still hasn’t changed over yet so keep checking in.
Wow ok where to start since I posted last… oh yeah The Robin of Sherwood 30th Anniversary Convention, just awesome sums it up. Sean and I went just on the Sunday as we were working the day before, we went under the banner of the Tales of Albion film. Tales were very kindly given a table to advertise and promote our project by the lovely organiser Barnaby, so we were with the Director Gary Andrews and one of the Producers Julianne Gascoyne. Got the chance to meet up with some of the actors from the show and in particular Jason Connery who I worked with on a TV film Merlin. It was so lovely that he remembered me as it was back in the 90′s when we filmed it. Great to chat and catch up with him and had this awesome photo of the 2 Robins from the show, first time together I believe!
Tales seemed to have gone down well with the convention fans and hopefully gained some more supporters. Check out the film page for a few more photos of the event and to keep upto date with it’s progress. Some great news in connection with this is that the actor Nickolas Grace (aka The Sheriff of Nottingham) will be the narrator for the Tales project, exciting stuff! Tales/Spirit of Albion Facebook Page
The next day saw Sean and I heading off to a castle I had not been to for a few years and that is Hedingham Castle. Went there years ago with my old medieval group having a few skirmishes, so it was great to go back but this time the the jousting group Destrier. First show of the year and it was a good one! The castle had to close its gates midday as they were sold out so record crowds were recorded so that was good for both the castle and the group!
Photo by Nick Moore
Had a great gig at the London Guildhall playing Queen Guenivere for a large corporate event for GM Motors. Had to address an audience of 900 guests from all over the world and welcome them to the evenings precedings! Great buzz and lots of photos!
Then was off to Battle Abbey for 9 days teaching kids squire school which was fun but tiring. They all seemed to enjoy it and had lots of happy families and good feedback!
Had a couple of nice filming jobs, first being a police officer on the TV show New Tricks, got to drive the police car too which was loads of fun, I believe that should air around October time, will keep you posted. The other was a couple of days on Downton Abbey set at the races. Thankfully the weather was great as we were in the middle of nowhere at a point to point track. Not sure when it air’s but again I will keep you posted.
Then Sean and I were invited to the Watford Comic Con where the TV project Humber City had a stand. We were there helping to raise awareness of the project and a bit of networking. Whilst there we met up with the lovely Virginia Hey who remembered us from the last time we met, lovely lady!
As you can see the last month has been pretty busy! I then headed off to Colchester Castle for my day as Boudica which I was looking forward to. First job was to help out with the Battle of the Ages chariot race which was lots of fun and saw chariots form the Roman and Iceni team, Norman and Saxons and Roundheads and Cavilers. Of course it goes without saying the Iceni team won! An all girl team equals winning team! Then later on I went inside the castle to chat with the public and did some story telling which seemed to go down well with everyone. I do hope I get asked to go back again as its a great place and it has my film playing there too!
And finally to RAF Brize Norton for the 99th Squadron’s family day. Four of us in costume went along to entertain the families and we got to go up in a C17 that had just flown over Buckingham Palace that morning for the Queens Birthday Flyby! Great day and great memories.
Well thats it for now, I hope this big post makes up for the wait

Memorabilia At The NEC
Well thanks for hanging in there, few changes are planned the site is going to be moved to another host so fingers crossed the changes over will go smoothly, will keep you informed.
Memorabilia at the NEC went well met the lovely Paris Jefferson from Xena, it was lovely to see her again. Mem is great for catching up with friends and the fact its in my home town makes it better as I get to stay home and see my mum!
Well the jousting season is about to kick off next weekend for the team at Hedingham Castle check out the link if you are interested and can come along, I will be riding on the Monday Hedingham Castle Joust link
All the winter training is done and horses and riders are ready to go, here is a great photo by Richard Pearn of me at the last training session riding Ripley.
Sean and I attended the NuView Film Festival which is organised by our friend Marq who filmed the behind the scenes footage on Spirit of Albion film and our Shadower filming. It was a great day with a third of the films having us in them! A really nice afternoon at Wimbledon Theatre Studio watching some great short films.
As mentioned before I was working at the beautiful Osborne House on the Isle of White for 8 days helping children decorate Easter Eggs and cards. Here is my Victoria and Albert eggs I did
Well the first May Bank Holiday weekend is fully booked up! Friday the 2nd see’s Sean and I heading down to Colchester Castle for the opening from its long refurbishment. I will be seeing the filming I did for them as Queen Boudica playing in situ which will be very exciting! I will also be appearing there on the 7th June as Boudica for an event so all good! Here is a screengrab from the video of me.
Sat 3rd will be a stormtrooper at a shopping mall, and on the Sunday something very exciting. I will be a guest at the 30th Anniversay Robin of Sherwood Convention with Sean and Gary the Director and Juliette one of the producers talking about Tales of Albion film. You will have seen my earlier posts about it. Very excited to be seeing the stars of the show and will definitely post photos of the day. Then the Monday will be over to Hedingham Castle for the Joust!
Phew! well thats it for the mo but there will be lots of piccies from the weekend so stay tuned!