Back again! So where to start, ok back in March I joined Sean on his sponsored walk in aid of Moorfields Eye Hospital as a thank you for all the amazing treatment he has received since his serious eye injury. He raised over £550 pounds which was an awesome achievement and he did it dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow! The weather was beautiful and the walk was a lot of fun. Sean has still a little way to go with his recovery but h is doing great and the surgeons are very happy with his progress.

The MCM Memorabilia event at the NEC happened in March in which Sean and I attended as we regulary do as Xena and Jack Sparrow. Alongside the UKG it was the usual exhausting but fun event and meeting up with good friends. Here Xena is dealing with a dodgy looking character, aka the awesome Heisenburg lookalike Jamie Pagett.

Easter holidays I went to the Childrens Festival event helping the children with the craft activities making roman mosaics. Here is one of my creations!

Beginning of April saw Sean and I heading back to Hull for some more filming on the drama Humber City, I have another few days coming up in June so will keep you posted.
St Georges Day saw a few events kick off, first was at Wentworth Golf Club for a large charity event for British Airways. For this we were dressed as Medieval Knights in full armour greeting people as they entered the building.

This month saw a couple of Stormtrooper events, one at a store opening in the Midlands and one at a Star Wars themed Wedding in Dorset. Both events went down realy well and the Wedding was a lovely relaxed event in beautiful surroundings. Here little baby Benji wearing his stormtrooper baby grow and chilling with the stormtroopers!

Early May Bank Holiday there was an event, ‘Roman Rampage’ at the English Heritage site Old Sarum in Wiltshire. I was there making an appearance as Queen Boudica and riding around on a chariot! It was a great event even though the weather wasn’t the best it was still a realy enjoyable event to do. I performed in the main arena talking about the story of Boudica and we used the chariot in the display as well. Even though the chariot I was on wasn’t an Iron age one it still looked amazing with the 2 beautiful black horses Flo and Nimbus. It really gave the audience a feel to what it must have been like to come face to face with on the battlefield. Photo to follow!
I just had 2 days on a new big action adventure movie as a supporting artist. Was a really fun couple of days, the film isn’t due out until this time next year but I think you will get a glimpse of me next to the star! Can’t say much else about it but will mention it again nearer the time as a reminder.
Well thats it for now, keeping busy with 2 new costumes for myself which I have a deadline for. Got a fun event next week which I will report on next time. Thank you for your interest